Preventive care


<< Prevention is better than cure >> a well-known value that was upheld by our ancestors, abandoned today has led to deterioration in health and decline healthy aging.

“A person is the doctor of himself” A person can be aware of his physical body, changes, and life circumstances from work, diet, daily responsibilities and activities. He is knowledgeable about his family medical history as well. As the genetic passage from parents includes physical looks, mental capabilities as well as diseases.

Experiments have shown that one can strengthen the immune defense system to fight against pathogens and avoid physiological dysfunctions. We are at risk from diet (water and food), work, lifestyle and family illnesses (common in the family) and they can have a direct effect on our physical and mental health.

Healthy eating and clean water help the body to become resilient against life circumstances as the evolution of illnesses is rapid at the current time. We are finding mutation in bacteria and viruses that cause more aggressive diseases and new symptoms are appearing. An individual lifestyle and the timeline of disease plays an important role in recovery and becoming disease free. In addition, genetic component makes individuals at risk of dis-ease.

In other words, lifestyle, medical history, and genetic mutations (caused by environmental factors or result from pollution, radioactivity or spontaneous) will influence the frequency of diseases, severity and progression.

For example, If the workplace is closed, away from sunlight or heavy in chemical exposure, the person might suffer from respiratory dysfunction or odor intolerance syndrome. If the person has a sedentary lifestyle in office, and lack of physical exercise which is a silent threat to health, it can cause back pain and joint pain. Exposure to radiation (medical devices) or housing near a high-voltage line can lead to development of mutation and possible cancer development. Individuals who consume unbalanced diet and junk food can face gastric and urinary symptoms and possible vitamin deficiencies over time. Night shift work is a source of strenuousness stress on the physiology and has an impact on the health on individuals, as it causes endocrine and metabolic disorders. Exposure to noise pollution at work can impact a person neuroprotection and lead to mental health issues. These issues are not acknowledged by the labor code and the individual is only compensated after the injury occurs.

Advances in technology, environmental pollution, the emergence of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) have contributed to the emergence of rare, often chronic diseases that cause suffering and disability. There are between 6000 and 8000 of rare diseases, 75% of which affect children. The source is 80% genetic and 20% are infectious diseases (bacteria, viruses, fungi), allergies or environmental (attributed to environmental factors). Those rare diseases can be psychic, cardiovascular, chromosomal abnormalities, urogenital or musculoskeletal in nature.

Contrary to chemical drugs that do not prevent disease, IBNALNAFIS products with the help of Almighty God, treat and prevent rare diseases and support the individual. Interventions with minimum side effects and safe for all ages. It prevents new emerging diseases that are expected to rise and are spreading such as autism, ADHD, or genetic diseases in newborns that cannot be controlled by chemicals.

Prevention protocols differ from treatment protocols in terms of dose, quantity and duration.

Prevention of diseases include aging diseases (cerebral atrophy, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson, etc.), mental illnesses of depression, anxiety, low concentration.  Prevention of colds, allergies, maldigestion, blood acidity, ovarian cysts, symptoms of menopause, low libido, osteoarthritis, weight gain, autism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

An individual prevention plan can be developed based on genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors that affect wellbeing.

1) Stress, depression and anger

2)  Neurodegenrative disease with age

3) Neurodegentive disease due to drug addiction

4)  Lack of memory - low concentration


5) Strokes


7)  Menopause symptoms


8) Weak sexual function 


9) Enlarged prostate

10)  Low libido


11)  Common cold


12)  Respiratory allergies

13) Asthma


14) Suffocation asphyxia

15) Blood acidity


16)  Skin allergy / rashes

17) Eczema and psoriasis

18) Intestinal problems

19) Helical worm


20)  Joint and bone pain

21) Drug toxicity- due to chemotherapy and radiation

22) Pregnancy support

23) Heart problems


24)  High fats/ cholesterol

25) High fats/ triglycerides

26) Gout


27) Poor blood circulation


28)  Endocrine disorders/ diabetes

29) Endocrine disorders/ thyroid